Uppsalaedda, DG 11 4to

  • Heimir Pálsson
Snorri Sturluson, Kennsluefni


This article deals with the structure of Snorri Sturluson’s Edda as presented in the manuscript DG 11 4to in Uppsala University Library, Carolina Rediviva. In the manuscript, one of the oldest containing Snorri’s Edda, the work is structured quite differently from the way it is presented in the other main manuscripts. The author argues that the text represents a teacher’s redaction of the work, and also a collection of material presumably associated with Snorri Sturluson’s scriptorium (such as Skáldatal, Ættartala Sturlunga and Lögsögumannatal). The redaction is really meant to consist of two books, Liber primus and Liber secundus. The author also suggests that Skáldatal ought really to be called Hǫfðingjatal, for it refers to six or seven chieftains who did not have poets in their retinue.
