Tímaritið Ísland

  • Aðalgeir Kristjánsson
Sunnanpóstur, Skírnir, Fjölnir


Tómas Sæmundsson found it hard to accept that Skírnir was the only journal being published in Iceland after the demise of Sunnanpósturinn and Fjölnir (whose final issue was in 1839). He contacted the former publisher of Sunnanpósturinn and other influential individuals in Reykjavík, and he wasted no time in producing a draft Introduction that set forth the contents and policy of the proposed new journal, which in many respects he saw as a continuation oiFjölnir. In the event, nothing came of these initiatives, for Tómas died in the summer of 1841. All that remains of the ill-fated journal is Tómas's draft Introduction, now printed as part of the present article.
