Þýðingar úr fornensku
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In the year 1853 George Stephens (1813–1895) published two Old English homilies by Ælfric abbot of Eynsham: Tvende old-engelske digte med oversættelser, ved G(eorge) Stephens. Indbydelsesskrift til Kjöbenhavns Universitets fest, i anledning af Hans Majestæt Kongens fødselsdag, den 6. october 1853. The book also includes an Icelandic poetical translation of the homilies by the poet Gísli Brynjúlfsson (1827–1888). His translations are published in Gripla in two parts. The last volume of Gripla (XVII: 167–192) contained the homily: ‘De Abgaro Rege’, with an introduction by Gísli on his task as a translator. Here, the second homily is published: ‘Dominica III in Quadragesima’. The editor has added a short chapter on the edition as well as notes on the text. Some of the notes are from Stephens (1853); the editor’s notes are marked SPÍ. Further discussion is found in the treatise: Þýðingar Gísla Brynjúlfssonar úr fornensku (‘Gísli Brynjúlfsson’s translations from Old English’), in this volume (Gripla XVIII: 89–110). See also Pope’s edition (Pope 1967:264-285). See also the summary on p. 109.