En fædrene forbindelse?

Om sammenhængen mellem de fire Hrafnistumannasögur


  • Pernille Ellyton Ordbog over det Norrøne Prosasprog, Københavns Universitet Author




This article explores the connection between the four legendary sagas collectively known as the Hrafnistumannasögur. Through analysis of their entire manuscript transmission it is investigated how the saga group is transmitted historically, and it is argued that the 15th century manuscript AM 343 a 4to has had a significant impact on the reception of the sagas as a group. An analysis of literary elements and parallels between the sagas reveals substantial differences in genre, themes, and literary style, which appears to contradict the idea that the group was originally connected. The article argues that the Hrafnistumannasögur cannot without hesitation be treated as a group, and it is proposed that the sagas have been grouped together in some manuscripts not due to inherent thematic parallels but because of historical and cultural circumstances that favored the genealogical ties between saga heroes. It is argued that the connection, however fragmentary and instable, was formed initially between Ketils saga hængs and Gríms saga loðinkinna, after which these sagas were grouped with Örvar-Odds saga. Finally, Áns saga bogsveigis was added to the group, and it is hypothesized, that this last connection presumably happened around the time of the writing of the important manuscript AM 343 a 4to (ca. 1450–75).





